Twin Workshop

on "Ethics of Smart Cities and Smart Societies” 

Zürich, May 2023

Digital Democracy, Participatory Resilience, Sustainability, Diversity, Fairness, Ethics, Digital Twins, and More

Organisers: Professor Dirk Helbing and external page Professor Andrej Zwitter

Conference venue: ETH Zürich

room external page STD F 5, Stampfenbachstrasse 48, 8006 Zürich

room external page LEE E 101, Leonhardstrasse 21, 8092 Zürich

Workshop on "Ethics of Smart Cities and Smart Societies”

The Workshop on "Ethics of Smart Cities and Smart Societies” will be held on two dates, to allow everyone, who is interested and available, to attend one of the workshops.

Twin Workshop 1:
Thursday, 11 May 2023, starting at 13:00
Friday, 12 May 2023, ending at 14:00.

Twin Workshop 2:
Wednesday, 24 May 2023, starting at 13:00
Thursday, 25 May 2023, ending at 14:00


Playlist of Video Recordings
external page here

Special Issue "Ethics of Smart Cities and Smart Societies”
external page here



Thursday 11.05.2023

external page STD F 5

13.00    Workshop Opening

13.30    Andrej Zwitter
              "Cybernetic Governance and Smart Society"

14.10    Emily Cross
              "Neurotechnological Developments and
               Challenges to Mental Privacy and Integrity

14.50    Dirk Helbing
              "Ethical issues of smart societies: Some introductory reflections"

15.30    Transfer to LEE E 101

external page LEE E 101

15.45     Coffee break

16.20     Verena Zimmermann
               "Designing Ethical Smart City Interventions?
                - On the Potential, Challenges, and Limitations of Applying
                Guidelines for Ethical Psychological Research
                to the Smart City Context"

17.00     Discussion

18.30     Transfer to restaurant

19.00     Dinner


Friday 12.05.2023

external page LEE E 101

09.00    Sarah Spiekermann
              "What would Value-based Engineering mean
                for the city of the future?

09.40    Elisabeth Stockinger
             "Political Guidance and Smart Democracy"        

10.20    Tina Comes
              "Smart Cities in Crisis – on the role of value-sensitive AI"

11.00    Coffee break

11.30    Transfer to STD F

external page STD F 5

12.00    Oskar Gstrein
              "Data Autonomy:
                A novel approach to informational self-determination
                and organisational freedom

12.40    Catarina Fontes    
              "Human Digital Twins: exploring uses, abusive uses and misuses"

13.20    Dirk Helbing and Andrej Zwitter
              Wrap up and closing remarks

Wednesday 24.05.2023

external page STD F 5

13.00    Workshop Opening

13.10    Sachit Mahajan
             “EU ERC Project Co-Evolving City Life, CoCi

13.30    Andrej Zwitter
              "Cybernetic Governance and Smart Society"

14.10    Marcello Ienca
              "Is a cognitively enhanced society a smart society?"

14.50    Discussion

15.30    Transfer to LEE E 101

external page LEE E 101

15.45     Coffee break

16.20     Eko Rahmadia
              "Digital Twins, Data Governance and Tourism"

17.00      Peter Seele & Ludovico Conti
               "The contested role of AI ethics boards in smart societies:
                        Towards decentralization through sortition?

17.40     Discussion

18.30     Transfer to restaurant

19.00     Dinner


Thursday 25.05.2023

external page LEE E 101

09.30    Dirk Helbing
                "Ethical issues of smart societies:
                  Some introductory reflections

10.10    Sachit Mahajan
              "A Participatory Future: Citizen Science,
                Co-creation and Ethically Inclusive Smart Cities

11.10    Coffee break

11.40    Transfer to STD F

external page STD F 5

12.00    Dino Carpentras
              "Are measurements making society smarter?"

12.40    Javier Argota Sánchez-Vaquerizo
              "Ethical considerations on urban digital twins,
                their predictive power, and limitations

13.20    Dirk Helbing and Andrej Zwitter
              Wrap up and closing remarks

Funding: CoCi Project, ERC-ADG - Advanced Grant (Grant agreement ID: 833168)

We acknowledge support through the project “CoCi: Co-Evolving City Life”, which has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 833168.

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