Media Responses
Digi, Nano, Bio, Neuro – or why we should care more about converging technologies
Dirk Helbing discusses the importance of converging technologies in the fields of digital, nano, bio, and neuro sciences. The article explores the potential benefits and challenges of these integrated advancements.
Computersoziologe: "Wir haben Wahlmanipulationen in großem Stil"
Karin Krichmayr interviews Dirk Helbing about large-scale election manipulation. The article discusses methods and implications of such activities.
Sie sind das Ziel!
Dirk Helbing discusses the concept of individuals being targeted in the digital age. The article examines surveillance and data privacy concerns.
Zukünfte, die (Plural)
Peter Lau and Dirk Helbing discuss multiple potential futures, considering various scenarios and their implications. The article explores how different trends might shape the world.
Ist noch Platz für andere Meinungen?
In this article by Ernst Ritzi, Dirk Helbing questions whether there is still room for diverse opinions in society. The article explores the current state of free speech and public discourse.
Überwachungsstaat oder digitale Demokratie?
Dirk Helbing discusses the balance between surveillance states and digital democracy in this video. The content examines the implications of technology on privacy and governance.
«Nicht die Leute sind schuld, sondern die Planung»: Eine Dokumentation über Massenpanik und wie man sie verhindert.
Luca Froelicher's documentary addresses mass panic, focusing on planning and prevention strategies. The documentary discusses insights from Dirk Helbing on avoiding such incidents.
Der Mensch und digitale Demokratie
Edwin Hügler inteviews Dirk Helbing about the relationship between humans and digital democracy, discussing how technology impacts political participation. The article addresses the potential benefits and challenges.
Hillsborough, Loveparade, die Halloween-Party in Seoul: Wenn Panik ausbricht, ist das Gedränge bereits tödlich
In this interview with Corina Gall, Dirk Helbing examines tragic incidents of mass panic, such as Hillsborough and the Loveparade, highlighting their causes and consequences. The article discusses measures to prevent such disasters.
Society 5.0: Gefahr oder Potential? Einladung zur Konferenz in Wien 2022
This video invites viewers to a conference discussing Society 5.0, focusing on its risks and potentials. Dirk Helbing and others explore future societal trends and innovations.