Breaking out of the social media echo chamber
Farah Al Toukhi from WIRED discusses work by Andrea Musso and Dirk Helbing about how to decentralize social networks and preserve minority voices.
Digi, Nano, Bio, Neuro – or why we should care more about converging technologies
Dirk Helbing discusses the importance of converging technologies in the fields of digital, nano, bio, and neuro sciences. The article explores the potential benefits and challenges of these integrated advancements.
Computersoziologe: "Wir haben Wahlmanipulationen in großem Stil"
Karin Krichmayr interviews Dirk Helbing about large-scale election manipulation. The article discusses methods and implications of such activities.
Sie sind das Ziel!
Dirk Helbing discusses the concept of individuals being targeted in the digital age. The article examines surveillance and data privacy concerns.
Postdoc Position focused on Data Science in a Computational Social Science Team
A new open position is available in our group.