
Contact Person: Dr. Vaiva Vasiliauskaite

Duration: 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2023

Funding: INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 - Integrating Activities for Advanced Communities grant agreement 871042. SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics (Grant agreement ID: 871042)

Website: external page


European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics

SoBigData++ aim is to deliver an interdisciplinary research infrastructure for social data analytics. It will facilitate an interdisciplinary European research community, focusing on understanding complex and largely interconnected society using social mining- and big data- driven approaches. It is built upon a predecessor project SoBigData, which started this construction in 2015. SoBigData++ goals are:

  1. To create a platform for designing, adjusting, executing, replicating large-scale social mining experiments.
  2. To empower and support data scientists by emphasising essential societal challenges and tools to address them in its exploratories: Societal Debates and Online Misinformation, Sustainable Cities for Citizens, Demography, Economics & Finance 2.0, Migration Studies, Sport Data Science, Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Explainable Machine Learning.
  3. To address ethical and legal challenges related to sensitive data by incorporating values and norms for privacy protection, fairness, transparency and pluralism.

Our team will contribute to the project by:

  1. Providing educational tools, organising workshops and datathons, expanding the outreach of SoBigData++.
  2. Research in complex systems, machine learning, finance and computational social science.
  3. Creating datasets, methods, services for research of novel cryptocurrency markets, deriving meaningful explanations for black-box machine learning systems, studying online social behaviour, opinion dynamics, spreading of information and others.


Dr. Vaiva Vasiliauskaite
Lecturer at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences
  • GLC F 11
  • +41 44 632 57 87
  • vCard Download

Inst. f. Biomedizinische Technik
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich

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