2018-04-17 "Blockchain Research Zürich" meetup started

If you thought only nerdy blogs and youtubers buzz about blockchain technology, consensus, tokenization, and cryptoeconomics, HODL on -- researchers and students, are active in this space, too!

by Stefano Duca

If you thought only nerdy blogs and youtubers buzz about blockchain technology, consensus, tokenization, and cryptoeconomics, HODL on -- researchers and students, are active in this space, too!

In order to bring us all together, to learn and share interests for this new interdisciplinary field of research and to foster collaboration, we are starting the "Blockchain Research Zürich" meetup and you are cordially invited!

The inaugural first edition is on Tuesday, 17 April, 18:00-21:00 in HG D7.1

Please bring colleagues and interested fellow students! Please help us plan the Apéro and let us know that you come.

We thought it would be nice for the first edition to not only showcase a few projects but also give a broader overview what is going on at ETH and UZH.
Out came the following program:

Prof. Dirk Helbing, Computational Social Science (COSS)

futurICT2 - Towards a sustainable economic system with blockchain tech (15')
Dr. Marcus Dapp, COSS

Creating a self-regulating monetary system with a flow control currency
Magnus Wuttke, BIOTS/COSS

Overview of blockchain research at ETH (10') [CANCELED]
Prof. Lothar Thiele, Delegierter Digitale Transformation ETHZ

Guest: Overview of blockchain research at UZH (10')
Prof. Claudio Tessone, URPP Social Networks UZH

BIOTS - Teaching blockchain technology in an innovative way (10')
Stefan Klauser, COSS

Guest: What is 'Blockchain for Science'? (10')
Dr. Martin Etzrodt, validity research

Dr. Marcus Dapp, COSS

Sponsored by the COSS group & futurICT2 [www.coss.ethz.ch, external pagewww.futurICT2.eu]

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