Thu, 24May18 - Saifedean Am­mous, The Bit­coin Stan­dard

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by Stefano Duca

Where: LEE E 101
Date: 24.05.2018
Time: 18-21 (incl. apero)


Marcus M. Dapp, COSS/FuturICT2

18:05 The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking
external pageSaifedean H. Ammous, Economist, Lebanese American University & Center for Capitalism and Society at Columbia University.

In his talk, Saifedean Ammous analyzes the historical context to the rise of Bitcoin — an autonomous and decentralized peer-to-peer payment software — its economic properties, and its likely economic, political, and social implications. In particular, he addresses the question whether Bitcoin, and its automated and perfectly predictable monetary policy, can provide a decentralized alternative to the central banking system. His book "The Bitcoin Standard" was recently published.

19:00 Response & Discussion
Tobias Huber and Richard Senner, Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks, ETHZ

Marcus M. Dapp, COSS

19:30 APERO Sponsored by the COSS group & external project.


Researchers and students from ETH and UZH are cordially invited. If you want to stay for the Apéro please use doodle so we know how many people to expect, thanks! Doodle: external page

Our hashtag is #blockchainresearchzh.

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